A blockchain platform to improve port waste management
Project co-financed within the call for 2022 of the aid established to support innovative business groups in order to improve the competitiveness of small and medium-sized companies.
During 2022
What do we do?
Blue Room has created the WastePassport, a tool that allows batches of waste to be converted into Non-Fungible Tokens to trace their route from the port facilities to the waste treatment plant.
Improve document management through digitization; obtain a complete traceability of the waste; promote circularity through the monetization of waste so that it is perceived as an asset with value; Develop a system with interoperable blockchains that can be integrated into other management software.
Through the technological components validated in relevant environments that add value to two segments of the same chain N-SWAP (ship captain - Port Authority) PORTNET (Port Authority - treatment plant) a collaborative blockchain platform integrated into the management chain of waste generated by ships and its subsequent treatment, which will connect the value chain between the generators of the waste (vessels) and the final treatment plants.
We have evolved our Circula Natural Token (CIL) into a preaching utility token and make it interchangeable and interoperable with ETH, DOT and other tokens via a UNISWAP 3 protocol to power Witnet, Polkadot, Ethereum implementations.
Instrumental Token Creation Circula Token
We have enhanced the NFT WastePassport previously created by Bue Room Innovation to make it a composable token – with fungible and non-fungible features – following the ERC 998 standard, which will value waste lots.
Wastepassport integration in other environments
During the AEI, the environment has been studied in order to guarantee the interoperability of the wastepassport and the integration with the N-SWAP component developed by the company Navozyme.
Token transformation in the Wastepassport
We have created the SmartContracts with the ERC 998 standard to trace the transformation processes to which waste is subjected to become raw material with the aim of valorizing its value and being able to include it in the AMM algorithm.
Marine Environmental Protection
1. It protects the marine environment by reducing waste (generated by ships) that is dumped at sea. This is possible thanks to the traceability of waste provided by blockchain technology.
Facilitation of maritime operations
2. It facilitates maritime operations by reducing the administrative burden on ports, port users and competent authorities, thereby reducing their costs.
Generation of a circular environment
Generation of a circular environment where waste is perceived as an asset with value and therefore its management is monetized to distribute the benefits throughout the chain and generates a transparent decentralized market with lower transaction costs.
Promotion of blockchain integration for SMEs
3. Promotes the integration of blockchain to SMEs related to waste management. Which have no resources to implement this type of technology on their own. PORTWASTE will have Blockchain as a Service functionalities where ad hoc integrations will not be required, drastically reducing deployment costs.
Partners and Future
PORTWASTE is a project led by the Digital Cluster, which unites Navozyme and Blue Room to develop a blockchain platform that improves ship waste management, connecting generators and treatment plants, promoting efficiency and circularity by monetizing transformed waste in raw materials. The project lays the foundations to continue evolving in the traceability of waste from ports and its circularity.
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