Cookies Policy


Versión: Noviembre 2024


La Política de Cookies es un texto legal que informa sobre la instalación de cookies o galletas a partir de la página web que el usuario visita mientras navega por Internet utilizando alguno de sus dispositivos o equipos terminales (teléfono móvil, tableta, ordenador…). The purpose of this Cookie Policy of the website www.blueroominnovation.com/ is to inform users about the existence of cookies used by Blue Room Innovation (hereinafter referred to as BRI or the “Provider”) on its website BRI (hereinafter, the “Website”) to offer the best services to its customers or interested users. The Provider may use its own cookies (developed and implemented by the website itself) or third-party cookies (from other providers). Users will be informed about which cookies are used via a banner or first-layer notice that will appear when they first connect to the website or within this Policy in the corresponding section.

We inform you that our BRI website uses data storage and retrieval devices on the terminals or computing devices used by the user. This technology, identified as “cookies,” is used to collect information about the user’s (hereinafter, the “User” of the Website) usage in order to analyze their browsing habits, facilitate and personalize (depending on the cookies used) the navigation on the site, and distinguish them from other users. To ensure that the User has all the necessary information for proper browsing, this Cookie Policy aims to properly inform the user about the policy on the collection and processing of cookies.

As stated in Article 22 of Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter, LSSICE), service providers may use data storage and retrieval devices on users' devices provided that they have been properly informed and have expressly consented to this installation when it is required or mandatory, prior to such installation The objective of this Policy is, therefore, to inform the user about the type of devices used by the Provider, the purpose and destination of the data, to obtain valid, free, and duly informed consent.

This Cookie Policy is complemented by the Legal Warning, the Privacy Policy and, where applicable, the terms and conditions relating to the Website and the services offered on it.


As mentioned above and indicated in the Legal Warning , the owner or service provider, as well as the data controller of the data processed through this Website, is BRI, whose details are as follows: BLUE ROOM INNOVATION S.L. NIF: B55237689 Domicilio: Calle Gran Via Carles III, 98 – Piso 10, 08028, Barcelona Contact Email: info@blueroominnovation.com Data Protection Email: lopd@blueroominnovation.com Telephone contact:+34 722 43 47 56 Commercial Registration: Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, Volume 3033, Folio 213, Sheet GI-58697. Social Media Profiles: Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter As mentioned, this data controller may use third-party services that provide the service of managing such devices. If applicable, it will be indicated in the corresponding section. In any case, the data controller, in addition to LSSICE, is subject to compliance with the provisions of Regulation 679/2016 of April 27, on Data Protection (hereinafter, the GDPR).


3.1. Definition 

Cookies are small files containing a series of characters (text) that are sent to your browser from a website’s server. These files store information, such as the navigation performed by the user within the corresponding Website. It is a technology that can serve purposes such as recognizing or identifying the user, obtaining browsing habits, or personalizing services, among others. A cookie may have a unique identifier but does not necessarily contain personally identifiable information, such as a name or email address. However, it is considered that it can identify a user because it also collects information that could identify them or is personalized based on the user’s cookie selection, if applicable, while browsing. Cookies are often essential for the functioning of the Internet as they provide technical solutions that enable or allow the user to navigate through different websites. They do not damage the devices on which they are installed and are only used, on the one hand, to identify or resolve potential operational problems and, on the other, to perform statistical, advertising, or behavioral analysis, among others. BRI may use cookies when you visit its website or visit other websites where it advertises. The Internet browser of the User of this website stores cookies on the hard drive of their computer and the website can access them during their next visit. This means it has memory. Other websites can also send cookies to your browser, but it will not allow those websites to see the information of the cookies belonging to or installed by the BRI provider.3.2. Types of cookies Here are the types of cookies and classification types that exist: 3.2.1. According to who manages them Depending on who manages the device or domain from which the cookies are sent and processes the data obtained, the following can be distinguished: • Own cookies: Those sent to the user’s terminal from a device or domain managed by the publisher or website owner and from which the service requested by the user is provided. These are cookies that are implemented or installed through the programming of the Website or Platform.• Third-party cookies: Those sent to the user’s terminal from a device or domain not managed by the publisher, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through the cookies. That is, when the Provider and owner of the website contracts or uses the services of a third party that provides such complementary services. They are sent to the user’s terminal from a domain or device not managed by the publisher or website owner.• Also included as third-party cookies are those cookies that, although served from a device or domain managed by the publisher, the information collected is processed by a third party and is also used for the latter’s purposes.3.2.2. According to their purpose Depending on the purpose of the information obtained through cookies, the following distinctions must be made: • Technical cookies: These allow the user to navigate through a website, platform, or application and use the different options or services that exist on it, including those used by the publisher to manage and operate the website and enable its functions and services (e.g., identifying a session, accessing restricted access areas, managing payments...).• Preference or personalization cookies: These allow information to be remembered so that the user accesses the service with certain characteristics that can differentiate their experience from that of other users (e.g., language, number of results to display when the user performs a search).• Analytics or measurement cookies: These are cookies that allow those responsible for them to monitor and analyze the behavior of users of the websites to which they are linked. The information collected through this type of cookie is used to make improvements based on the analysis of usage data by users of the service.• Behavioral advertising cookies: These store information about users’ behavior obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, allowing a specific profile to be developed to display advertising based on this profile.3.2.3. According to the duration A distinction can be made between the following cookies, depending on how long they remain active on the user’s terminal: • Session cookies: Designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a website.• Persistent cookies: These are cookies in which the data remains stored on the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a defined period by the person responsible for the cookies.3.2.4. Cookies exempt from consent Users are informed that, in some cases, more technical cookies are used, typically not requiring either information or consent as they are necessary and essential for the proper functioning of the website. These will also be disclosed to users for transparency and clarity. 3.2.5. Particularities about cookies In reality, a single cookie can fulfill several functions, so while it may not be necessary to inform or obtain consent for a specific use, it must be done for other uses or purposes. Consequently, the user will always be informed about the types of cookies used through this cookie policy, the banner or prior information notice, and the possible widgets or tools that complement this policy. If we use multipurpose cookies or those with different purposes, we will ensure that these cookies are only used if all the purposes they group are accepted. That is, if the user accepts only one of the two, either they will not be installed, or the system will ensure that differential processing is allowed for the purposes in question. For example, for a cookie to be exempt from the informed consent requirement, its expiration must be related to its purpose. Thus, session cookies are exempt from consent, while persistent cookies require such authorization or consent.3.3. Cookies used on this websitePlease note that if you disable or block all or some of the cookies in your browser, your experience on the website may not be optimal, and some services may not function properly Below, we identify the cookies we use, the type of cookies they are, their function, whether they are necessary (and do not require consent), whether they are first-party or third-party, and their duration.

Cookie Name

First or Third Party


Purpose or Use

Link to Privacy Policy




First Party


This cookie is part of a set of cookies designed to deliver and display content. The cookies maintain the correct state of fonts, blog/image sliders, color themes, and other site settings.


HTML Local Storage 

End of Session


Third Party


This cookie is set by HubSpot’s CDN provider due to its rate limiting policies.



End of Session


Third Party


JSESSIONID is a login cookie for the platform and is used by websites with JavaServerPages (JSP). The cookie is used to maintain an anonymous user session on the server.



End of Session


Third Party


This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website in order to generate valid reports on website usage.



End of Session


Third Party


This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website in order to generate valid reports on website usage.


HTML Local Storage 



Third Party


This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.


HTML Local Storage 

End of Session


Third Party


This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.


HTML Local Storage 

End of Session


Third Party


This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.


HTML Local Storage 



Third Party


Registers a unique ID used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.


Cookie HTTP

2 years


Third Party


Registers a unique ID used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.


Cookie HTTP

1 day


Third Party


Used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate.


Cookie HTTP

1 day


Tercera parte


Cloudflare uses the _cfuvid cookie to distinguish between users sharing the same IP address.


Cookie HTTP

End of Session

If BRI uses new cookies in the future, the User will be duly informed.

The information is up-to-date as of the date indicated at the top. Please note that over time it may not be exhaustive or promptly updated, although this cookie policy is reviewed periodically.

3.4. How we use cookies3.4.1. General purposes As mentioned, cookies are used for the purposes indicated above.4. DEACTIVATION OR DELETION OF COOKIES4.1. General aspects As a user, you are informed of the presence of cookies on our Website in order to facilitate its use and navigation. Web browsers are the tools responsible for storing cookies.5. OTHER USES OF DATA Se le informa de que no utilizamos técnicas de «spamming» y que únicamente trataremos los datos que el Usuario transmita mediante el uso de los formularios electrónicos de contacto, mensajes de correo electrónico o contenidos facilitados a través de los servicios de la Página Web, para las finalidades expresadas en nuestro Legal Warning and our Privacy Policy.


The cookies used by our Website will be stored on the User’s device for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose or function for which they were installed unless the user decides to uninstall or delete them through the settings enabled in their browser.

Through this Cookie Policy, you are duly informed of the duration of each cookie, as indicated in the table that the user can see above or in the corresponding link also identified above.


7.1. International transfers by the provider Some of the data obtained through cookies involve the existence of international data transfers on our part. In such cases, we ensure the adoption of sufficient security measures to protect confidentiality, integrity, and availability as applicable.7.2. International transfers by third partiesYou can find out about the transfers to third countries made by the third parties identified in this cookie policy in their respective policies:• GOOGLE LLC: https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=es • HUBSPOT: https://knowledge.hubspot.com/privacy-and-consent/customize-your-cookie-tracking-settings-and-consent-banner • Meta Platforms Inc: Instagram y Facebook: https://privacycenter.instagram.com/policies/cookies/ • LinkedIn: https://es.linkedin.com/legal/l/cookie-table • YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/howyoutubeworks/user-settings/privacy/ • Twitter Inc: https://help.x.com/en/rules-and-policies/x-cookiesFor more information about international transfers involving a third party, the user can access our Privacy Policy


The Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter, 'LSSICE') requires that Users be informed prior to their browsing experience on the Website about the use, types, and purposes of cookies, specifically those cookies that require explicit consent. This is why we have implemented an informational notice that appears when the user accesses our website, informing them in advance and explicitly, in compliance with this legal requirement. It is important to understand that in the banner that will be displayed when you first access our Website, you will have the option to accept or reject the installation of the cookies we use. You can view the relevant information through the banner or informational layer, or through this policy.If you reject their installation or simply do not take any affirmative action that allows us to know for sure that you accept the installation of cookies, we will only enable the cookies necessary for the operation and proper functioning of the Website. You can change your settings at any time.


This cookie policy is complemented by the Legal Warning, the Privacy Policy and terms of service associated with the Website.


This Cookie Policy may be modified in the future, so it is advisable that each time the User accesses this Website, they review this policy to stay properly informed about any updates that have occurred.


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding our Cookie Policy or the processing of your data, the User can consult our Privacy Policy.  o ponerse en contacto con nosotros a través de la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: info@blueroominnovation.com.

Última Versión: Noviembre 2024

© Copyright – BLUE ROOM INNOVATION S.L. – 2024

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