The importance of sustainability from a young age
Blue Room Innovation will develop a learning and engagement platform for primary school students, their teachers and their parents with the aim of contributing to the sustainability education of the little ones.

1. To make primary schools in Europe greener by embracing, and contributing to the aims of the Green Deal.
2. To train teachers on the principles of sustainability, environmentally friendly, innovative practices to prepare learners and school staff to become true agents of change.
3. To enhance teachers and pupils’ digital skills by training them on how to use and employ an online platform to implement real-life projects, plans and objectives towards a greener school.
4. To teach pupils how to identify and adapt the values of a greener, sustainable Europe and how they can track their actions and progress through an innovative digital tool.
• A training program (e-learning) will be developed for teachers to learn how to use the evaluation tool included in the program itself, how to implement changes and how to make their school greener.
• Training of 70 teachers. It will be explained how to use the evaluation tool and the e-learning platform so that they can use them in their schools.
• Multiplier events will be held to reach a total of 180 entities and families from the countries that are part of the project.
• At the end of the e-learning, teachers and students will have acquired the knowledge to carry out sustainable practices at school and at home.

Aintek Symvouloi Epicheiriseon Efarmoges
Ypsilis technologias, Greece.
Federation Des Association de Parents
d’Eleves du Luxembourg, Luxemburg.
Blue Room Innovation SL, Spain.
Universite de Liege, Belgium.
Primary Shool of Vareia, Italy.
Escola Bell-lloc, Spain.
Scuola Europea di Varese, Italia.