CHOICE MOOC: The platform that promotes STE(A)M careers!
In the framework of the European project CHOICE, Blue Room Innovation has been the leaders in coordinating the development of the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course).
CHOICE aims to promote and improve STEM education in schools by designing innovative Open Educational Resources (OER) compiled in a MOOC that will increase the professional competencies of teachers by equipping them with a STE (A) M teaching approach.
The platform's educational resources were developed jointly by teams of teachers, students and experts from the STEM field during workshops organized in Italy, Cyprus, Spain and Greece.
In the case of Blue Room Innovation we work together with the Institu de Maçanet de la Selva and the organisation Enginy-era.

About the platform
CHOICE MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is an e-learning platform that promotes the STE(A)M approach to STEM education. This approach is based on a constructive interaction between STEM and non-STEM subjects with the aim of increasing the motivation of young people to choose STE(A)M careers.Each module includes 4 open educational resources (OER), which provide materials such as: manuals for teachers, learning material for students, quizzes and suggestions for activities.
Each module includes 4 open educational resources (OER), which provide materials such as: manuals for teachers, learning material for students, quizzes and suggestions for activities.
Main Functionalities

Earn your badge!
This module is dedicated to teachers and educators, helping them in the application of the STE(A)M approach and in the implementation of the CHOICE open educational resources. After completing this module the digital CHOICE badge is awarded.
After completing this module the digital CHOICE badge is awarded.

Five Macroareas
The MOOC consists of an introductory module dedicated to teachers and educators, which explains the STE(A)M approach, and 5 modules focused on the teaching of STEM disciplines, which address 5 macro-areas: STEM and arts, experiential projects, STEM and teaching of Languages. , Use of technology in social sciences, STEM and sports.

Spaces It is dedicated to the transmission of knowledge, sharing experiences and interacting with different teachers from around the world. It allows you to include images, PDF files, YouTube videos and much more.
Digital Product Passport
Descentralized platforms
Descentralized Identity
Verificable Credentials
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Cristòfol Grober 4, local 35
17001 - Girona
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