Empowering STE(A)M education
Blue Room Innovation is the technological partner of the project within the European Erasmus + program

1. Boost young people’s interest towards STEM careers and subjects, thus contributing to produce a workforce capable of tackling complex societal challenges.
2. Involve teachers and students in a cross-disciplinary bottom-up learning process promoting the use of innovative pedagogies focused on a constructive interaction between STEM and non-STEM subjects.
3. Promote coordination and collaboration among education institutions, business, local authorities as key stakeholders able to support the reform of STEM curricula at school, turning them into multipliers supporting critical career choice of students.
4. Support transnational cooperation and mutual learning among and within education institutions promoting innovative STE(A)M approaches to STEM careers and education entailing a systemic impact on education systems.
The following target groups will be reached:
• 320 youth (80 per country) ages 13-18 through a quantitative analysis of STEM attitudes to understand the role they play in students' career and education choices.
• 24 university / labor market professionals and representatives of local authorities (6 per implementing country) as participants in reflection groups.
• 16 young people from 13 to 18 years old (4 per implementing country) involved in the Creative Leadership Team (A3.1) and in co-participatory design and development workshops.
• 8 professionals from the university and the labor market (2 per implementing country) involved as role models in the Creative Leadership Team.
• 60 secondary school teachers (15 per implementing country) as participants in local trainings and the MOOC pilot test, acting as multipliers of project results and involved in the pilot impact evaluation on teachers.
• 800 young people (200 per implementing country) from 13 to 18 years old involved in the pilot test and visits with role models to university faculties / STEM companies.
Among others...

CESIE (Italia, coordinador)
Liceo scientifico Benedetto Croce (Italia)
GrantXpert Consulting Ltd (Chipre)
Grammar school Nicosia (Chipre)
ΕUROTraining (Grecia)
Regional Directorate of Education of Western Greece (Grecia)
Blue Room innovation (España)
Institut de Maçanet de la Selva (España)
Lifelong Learning Platform (Bélgica)