Legal Warning

Legal Warning

Versión: Noviembre 2024


1.1. Who is behind this Website?

This website is operated by BLUE ROOM INNOVATION S.L. (hereinafter referred to as “BLUE ROOM” or the “Provider”). Below are the company details for any inquiries or needs you may have: 


NIF: B55237689Registered Office: Calle Gran Via Carles III, 98 – Piso 10, 08028, BarcelonaContact Email: info@blueroominnovation.comData protection email: lopd@blueroominnovation.comTelephone contact: +34 722 43 47 56Registration Details: Registered in the Commercial Registry of Barcelona, Volume 3033, Folio 213, Sheet GI-58697.

1.2. Description of the Website and Services Offered

The website (hereinafter, the “Website”) serves as a digital showcase to highlight the identity and services of BLUE ROOM. As a pioneering entity in advanced technology, BLUE ROOM specializes in integrating blockchain technology to create sustainable solutions, focusing on software development and innovative project management in the tech sector.

The site functions as an informative resource where visitors can gain a comprehensive understanding of what BLUE ROOM represents. Detailed descriptions of the company's services are provided, emphasizing its expertise in the blockchain technology sector. The website also showcases several flagship projects completed by BLUE ROOM, offering concrete examples of its ability to handle large-scale tech projects.

A key aspect of the website is its news and updates section, dedicated to sharing the latest trends and innovations in the tech sector, especially related to blockchain. The goal is to keep visitors informed about recent developments and how they might impact the current technological landscape.

Moreover, the website allows users to directly interact with the BLUE ROOM team. Visitors can make inquiries, ask questions, or initiate discussions on specific topics related to the company’s services, reflecting BLUE ROOM's commitment to accessibility and customer support.

1.3. Purpose of this Legal Notice

This notice aims to inform the User about the entity behind the Website and the services offered. Alongside this text, we have provided other legal texts such as the Privacy Policy, the Cookie Policy  and similar documents where applicable. 

1.4. How to Contact the Website Owner or Provider

To contact us, you may use the address provided above or, preferably, the following email address:



2.1. How Does Our Website Operate? 

2.1.1. Informative Website 

Our Website is a corporate and informative platform where we inform the User about the services offered by the company, and through which the User can contact us for any inquiries or to discuss their needs. 

The general Website does not require registration. It is open to visitors, subject to compliance with all legal texts linked to the Website. 

2.1.2. BLUE ROOM Blog

On the main page of the Website, the User can find a section related to the Provider's blog, where the latest company and sector news, updates, and developments are published.

The blog content is designed to inform and educate our readers about the latest trends and developments in sustainability and technology. It does not constitute professional advice, and readers should verify the information before making decisions related to specific projects. The blog is designed for easy navigation, with clearly displayed articles in well-defined boxes, allowing Users to select and access the content of interest with a simple click.

The blog does not require registration and is open to visitors, subject to compliance with all legal texts linked to the blog. 

2.1.3. Age Requirement

No age verification is required to browse the contents of our Website. 

2.2. Types of Users on Our Website

a) Social Media Follower: A person who follows us on social media where we have a corporate profile. 

b) Information Seeker or Interested Party: A person who contacts us via any online channels to request information about our services. 

c) User: A general term for anyone who visits our Website, makes an inquiry, or contracts our services. 

d) Visiting User: A person who visits the Website without interacting with it or with us. 

2.3. What Confidentiality Rules Do We Apply? 

When the User browses the Website, we may collect their data in accordance with our Privacy Policy If the User, for any reason, accesses information related to our services or confidential aspects of our business, they are bound by strict confidentiality unless expressly informed that the information is free to use. 

2.4. What Terms of Use Apply?

2.4.1. General Aspects

Browsing and accessing the BLUE ROOM website, located at, automatically implies that the visitor assumes the role of User. This role entails full acceptance of all terms of use, policies, and legal notices present on the site. These regulations cover crucial aspects such as personal data protection, intellectual property rights, security measures, and the competent jurisdiction for resolving potential disputes.

It is important to note that each User is responsible for their own browsing on the Website. This means they must assume the inherent risks of using the internet and take appropriate measures to mitigate foreseeable risks. The company is not liable for any damages that may arise from improper or negligent use of the Website by the User.

The Website is subject to constant changes and updates, both in its content and legal terms. Therefore, it is the User's responsibility to periodically review these terms, especially before taking significant actions on the site. In the event of substantial changes to the terms that may affect registered users, they will be notified in advance, ensuring transparency and the right to information.

Furthermore, compliance with the rules established on the Website is an inescapable duty for all Users. These rules are designed not only to protect the rights and interests of users but also to safeguard the integrity of the Website and, by extension, that of BLUE ROOM. Adherence to these rules ensures a safe and productive experience for all involved and contributes to maintaining a reliable and respectful digital environment. 

2.4.2. User Rights

As a User of the BLUE ROOM website, located at, you enjoy essential rights that ensure an informative, safe, and respectful browsing experience. Upon accessing our site, you have the right to browse the various contents and services offered, subject to the rules and legal notices established. This includes adhering to regulations on intellectual property and data privacy, ensuring appropriate and responsible use of online resources.

Additionally, as part of your experience on our site, you have the right to receive support for any doubts, comments, or inquiries you may have. This covers everything from technical support to assistance in exercising your rights related to our services. We commit to following the procedures established on our Website to provide you with timely and effective responses to your concerns.

Another fundamental aspect of your rights as a User is the protection of your personal data. At BLUE ROOM, we are committed to handling your information with the utmost respect and privacy. Our Privacy Policy and data protection, in line with current regulations, details the care we take in managing your personal information, ensuring your right to privacy and control over your data. 

2.4.3. User Prohibitions

As a User of the BLUE ROOM website, it is crucial to adhere to certain rules that safeguard the integrity, security, and legality of the site's use. You are not permitted to use your status as a User to access information that does not belong to you, especially concerning data or services offered on the site, or information about other Users. Unauthorized or illegal use of this information, which could cause harm to the site owner, third parties, or other Users, is strictly prohibited.

Furthermore, linking to or from pages with defamatory, pornographic, racist, or false or harmful information is strictly forbidden. This includes any content that may harm the reputation of our Website or the professionals or collaborators working with or for it.

It is also prohibited to remove, alter, bypass, or tamper with any protective devices or security systems installed on the Website. Such actions may be considered criminal and are aimed at infringing intellectual property rights, privacy, or the confidentiality of users or the site owner.

In summary, as a User of the BLUE ROOM website, it is your responsibility to ensure that your interaction with the site is legal, ethical, and respectful, both towards the Website and towards other users and involved parties. These rules are designed to maintain a safe, reliable, and respectful digital environment for everyone.

2.4.4. Rights of the Owner or Provider

The owner of this Website has the right to process User data in accordance with the provisions of these notices and the corresponding Privacy Policy , using such information to respond to inquiries and taking all appropriate measures according to law to provide effective service.



3.1. Types of Content on Our Website

 3.1.1. Intellectual Property Policy 

BLUE ROOM’s intellectual property policy, applicable to the entire Website and materials disseminated through it, also includes corporate content distributed on social media profiles. This policy establishes that all information, signs, images, designs, logos, animations, videos, texts, and other elements and contents on the Website, along with its services and software applications, are protected under industrial and intellectual property rights. These rights belong to BLUE ROOM or third parties who have authorized their use on the Website, and no rights are granted to Users except as specifically detailed in the terms of use.

Users accessing the website may view the contained information and perform private downloads or reproductions on their computer systems, as long as the reproduced elements are not subsequently transferred to third parties, nor installed on a server connected to the Internet or a local network. This means that any distribution, modification, transformation, transfer, public availability, or any other unauthorized activity concerning the mentioned elements and content, including the website's computer codes, is prohibited.

Furthermore, any user who submits content to the website must ensure they have the necessary rights to do so, relieving BLUE ROOM of any responsibility regarding the content and legality of the provided information. In the event of a breach of these obligations, the user will be directly responsible for any consequences, damages, and losses that may arise for BLUE ROOM and/or third parties.

3.1.2.  Límites del Usuario respecto al acceso y uso de nuestros contenidos

Access to intellectual property content by you as a User does not transfer any rights to you. In this regard, the use of this information and content may only be private (used in a private manner); any use or reproduction by Users or others that may be included in the future must comply with the provisions and legal policies established here, respecting all applicable legal limitations. 

Specifically, the reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available to the public, or any other exploitation of the contents of this Website without the written consent of the respective owner is prohibited.

If you wish to request permission to use or publish any of our content from the Website, you can contact us through any of the means indicated in point 1.4 of this notice. 

3.1.3. Authorizations or Permissions

As a User, you may view the elements of the Website and even print, copy, and store them on your device's hard drive or any other physical media, provided it is solely for personal and private use, and any commercial use, distribution, modification, alteration, or decompilation is prohibited.

No obstante, como excepción a lo indicado en el punto anterior, le permitimos que como Usuario comparta aquello relativo a la Página Web mediante redes sociales, con las acciones «tuit, retuit, compartir, bloguear» o similares, siempre y cuando se respete nuestra titularidad o la mención a las personas correspondientes. 

3.2. Regarding the Software and Design of Our Website 

The BLUE ROOM website, including its design, programming, and software, is protected by intellectual property rights and has the necessary licenses and permissions for its use and operation. These rights are exclusive to the website owner, i.e., BLUE ROOM. Therefore, users are not authorized to use the website's programming code, software, or design for purposes other than those intended by the site. Any misuse, fraud, or infringement of the rights of the owner or third parties will be the responsibility of the infringing user and may result in legal actions.

Additionally, users should refrain from any activity involving the extraction, manipulation, copying, compiling, or decompiling of the elements that make up the website for purposes unrelated to the services and content offered. This prohibition includes any use that deviates from the purpose for which the website was created and made available to the public. If any actions contrary to this regulation are detected, BLUE ROOM reserves the right to take legal action to protect its rights and those of its collaborators.

3.3. Regarding Our Trademark and Corporate Identity

As a User of the BLUE ROOM website, it is important to respect the intellectual property and trademark rights of the company. This means you are not allowed to use BLUE ROOM's trademark, domain, slogan, or any other element of its corporate identity without obtaining prior explicit permission. BLUE ROOM's corporate identity, including all elements that make it up, is legally protected, and improper use may constitute a violation of the company's intellectual property rights.

Unauthorized use of these corporate elements not only may lead to confusion regarding BLUE ROOM's ownership and representation but also may imply a breach of the company's legal rights. Therefore, any interest in using the trademark, domain, or any other aspect of BLUE ROOM's corporate identity must be formally requested and approved by the company's authorized representatives.

This requirement for express permission ensures that BLUE ROOM's image and identity remain coherent and are used in a manner that appropriately reflects the company's values and mission. Additionally, it protects the company from misuse or malicious actions that could damage its reputation or commercial interests. In summary, as a User, you should be aware that any use of BLUE ROOM's corporate identity requires prior and explicit authorization to avoid legal infringements and respect the company's intellectual property rights.

As a User, you may not use our trademark, domain, slogan, or any element that constitutes our corporate identity without requesting our explicit permission to do so. 

3.4. Complementary Rules 

Regarding aspects not specifically detailed in the notices and policies on the BLUE ROOM website, compliance and interpretation will be governed by applicable intellectual and industrial property legislation. This means that for any matter or situation not explicitly covered by the internal guidelines and legal notices of the website, current laws and regulations in the field of intellectual and industrial property will determine the appropriate conduct and corresponding responsibilities.

This provision ensures that, in the absence of specific guidance provided by BLUE ROOM, all actions, uses, and situations related to the website and its content will continue to be subject to the general laws governing copyright, registered trademarks, patents, and other related rights. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of trademarks, copyright-protected content, and any other form of intellectual or industrial property associated with BLUE ROOM or third parties whose content or properties may be present on the website.

Therefore, as a user of the BLUE ROOM website, it is important to be aware that, in addition to the specific rules established by the company, your actions and use of the site are also subject to broader legal regulations governing intellectual and industrial property. This contributes to a digital environment respectful of the rights of both the company and other rights holders and ensures navigation and use of the site in accordance with the law.



4.1. Responsibility for Accessing the Website

Access to our Website is the sole responsibility of the User, both in the manner of access and the information provided, as well as the security with which they navigate it.

On our part, the Website owner commits to making the best and greatest effort, as reasonably possible, to avoid errors in the published content and to provide a constant and continuous service through it. 

We cannot be held responsible for temporary suspensions, breakdowns, or technical failures affecting the Website caused by factors beyond our control, such as viruses or security issues caused by third parties, nor for illegal or disrespectful actions by Users.

BLUE ROOM does not guarantee the availability, continuity, or infallibility of the Website's operation and, therefore, excludes, to the maximum extent permitted by current legislation, any liability for damages of any kind that may arise from the lack of availability or continuity of the Website's operation and the services enabled on it, as well as errors in access.

Additionally, BLUE ROOM disclaims all responsibility for any computer or other types of damages that might occur to the User when accessing the Website's content. Therefore, we do not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements that might cause damage or alterations to the computer system, electronic documents, or files of the User or third parties.

4.2. Responsibility Regarding Published Content 

BLUE ROOM is also not responsible for the content and/or updates of the links published on our Website, or the information indexed by them related to other websites, applications, or companies linked to content search criteria.

We will review and update the information published on our Website, but we cannot guarantee that all of it is entirely accurate as typographical errors, inaccurate or incomplete information may occur for any justifiable reason.

Without prejudice to the limitations established by current legislation, BLUE ROOM is not responsible for damages of any kind that may arise from the lack of accuracy, completeness, or timeliness, as well as errors or omissions that may affect the information contained on the Website or other content accessible through it.

4.3. Responsibility Related to Service Failures

In general, neither the Website nor its owner is responsible for technical errors on the Website and/or failure to provide Internet service: (i) due to actions or errors by third parties and/or (ii) for own causes when the incident is resolved and/or acted upon diligently.

4.4. Other Responsibilities and Duties

In the context of legal responsibilities and compensations, if in a judicial or extrajudicial procedure, a court, tribunal, or competent public administrative body declares BLUE ROOM not responsible for any damage or harm caused by actions that contradict the company's policies and regulations, and it is determined that the User is responsible, BLUE ROOM will have the right to claim reimbursement from the User for all amounts it has had to pay in relation to this procedure. This includes not only direct damages suffered but also loss of profit and all additional costs incurred by the company, such as taxes, fees, lawyer and attorney fees, expert costs, arbitrations, travel expenses, accommodation, and any other expenses arising from the procedure.

Additionally, BLUE ROOM reserves the right to disclose confidential information provided by Users under specific circumstances. This disclosure may occur when there is a legal obligation imposed by law, regulation, ordinance, or any other legal mandate, including judicial or governmental requests. In such cases, BLUE ROOM will act in accordance with applicable laws, revealing confidential information only to the extent necessary to comply with the legal obligation or mandate.

These provisions reflect BLUE ROOM's commitment to adhering to applicable laws and regulations while protecting the company's interests against legal or financial liabilities resulting from Users' actions. They also emphasize the importance of handling confidential information responsibly and in accordance with legal requirements.


BLUE ROOM will maintain the Website operational throughout the year, 24/7, as long as technical conditions permit.

However, BLUE ROOM reserves the right to modify or temporarily suspend access to the system, in whole or in part, for maintenance, updates, or repair of the system or the Internet server, without prior notice to the User. If the User detects any anomalies, third-party interference, system errors, or malfunction of the Website, they should notify BLUE ROOM by contacting the email or contact details specified in section 1.1, so that BLUE ROOM can review the issue and seek a possible solution if necessary.


We reserve the right to modify this notice to adapt it to new legislative or jurisprudential developments, as well as to make necessary changes in accordance with industry or commercial practices. 

When a significant or relevant change occurs, we will notify Users via the Website, with reasonable advance notice, indicating when the changes are expected to take full effect. 


All our texts and legal policies are governed, in all respects, by Spanish legislation, including: Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights, the European Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 and any other legal provisions applicable to the Website and the services offered. 


This legal policy only pertains to information published and data processing conducted based on our Website. The conditions set forth here are not necessarily related to BLUE ROOM’s service policies or the manner in which these services are provided by its owner.  


In the event of any conflict or discrepancy in the interpretation of these terms or notice, the courts of Barcelona will have jurisdiction over the matter. 

However, if you are a final consumer, the relevant courts corresponding to your domicile will have jurisdiction. 


This legal notice is complemented by the other legal policies established on our Website, as discussed throughout this notice, such as the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy and, if necessary, any other policies required to be added or complemented, in accordance with current legislation, all to safeguard the interests of our Users, providing them with the highest level of assurance and transparency.


Última Versión: Noviembre 2024

© Copyright – BLUE ROOM INNOVATION S.L. – 2024

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