Digital Product Passport


Enhance your traceability, boost transparency, and securely share data

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Generate DPP
Tools you need
Verify data

Digital Product Passport Quick Start Guide for Beginners

If you're keen to understand its components, technical requirements, recommended technologies, and delve into practical examples, peruse our introductory manual. Don't hesitate to reach out with any inquiries. Get started by downloading it here and joining us in piloting sustainable practices!

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Policy initiatives require increasingly granular levels of product data to provide transparency, traceability and trust. With Circular Trust's Digital Passport we offer a comprehensive traceability solution for the entire supply chain.

Collect and validate product data from your supply chains and sustainability partners

Sustainability tracking

Collect data from all supply chain actors, covering CO2 emissions, water footprint, and material origins, offering a comprehensive view of your product's impact for sharing with consumers or demonstrating regulatory compliance.

Prove and track circularity

Demonstrate the circularity of a material or product by tracking its journey and transformation processes, providing valuable circularity data.

Origin certification

Certificate the origin of materials or products to increase their value. With the Digital Product Passport, securely conveying this information to any supply chain member seeking it becomes feasible.

Engagement with costumers

Create unique experiences for your consumers. Connect them to the digital passport through a QR code or NFC, allowing them to view product features, end-of-life advice, and loyalty program dynamics.

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All the tools you need to create your product passports

The solution provides complete tools to connect data to the digital product passport. From establishing direct connections with ERPs to inserting data through our user-friendly and quick back office for the initial pilots.

Start piloting with us!

Generate digital product passports in a secure and transparent ecosystem

Capture data from your supply chain and identify your partners and suppliers with a decentralized digital identity.



Show the general description of your products: origin, product composition, traced materials, carbon footprint and main characteristics.


Displays the material characteristics of your products, the tracked materials and their origin and the circular indicators for each product and material.


Highlight product transformation stages, involved actors, and sustainability metrics. Include energy use, source materials, carbon footprint, Co2 savings from circular purchasing, and production waste.


It shows the product journey through design and production phases, detailing transports, carbon footprint, CO2 savings, carbon footprint per tonne-kilometer (g/Tkm), and energy consumption.

Create your ecosystem!

We want to revolutionize the way we approach product and waste traceability. Offering circular solutions in collaboration with key partners in the country, both in the waste and production sectors.

Our team


Start Your Sustainable Journey:

Fill out The Form for Your Digital Passport

We are the ideal partner for your company's integration into the digital product passport revolution.

Get in touch with us to explore your challenge, and let us showcase our close attention approach and and our agile work methodology!

Start Your Sustainable Journey:

Fill out The Form for Your

Digital Passport


Ready to Track Your Product's Journey?

Copyright © 2023 Blue Room Innovation

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